Bed (Phantasy)
Bed (Phantasy) is a work in Bed series and continue to explore the theme of image and representation.
The making of this sculpture tried to approach to the concept of a bed not merely from the mimicry, but by a more essential path: The bed as a mediation. The sculpture leaning against the wall might also resemble a portal. But a bed is always like a portal, a threshold that lies between reality and dream.
The light in this work formed an orange rim-like projection on the wall, with a slightly pale gap on the bottom right corner of the rim. In the classical Greek tale of the painting competition between Zeuxis and Parrhasius, when Zeuxis was drawn to the object behind the veil on Parrhasius’s painting and attempted to lift it, he discovered that the veil was merely part of the painting itself. Eyes are always voracious. It is this voracity of the eyes lures the fingers to take adventure to reveal the veil, and finally realised it is only a trap. It suggests the logics of phantasy. In phantasy, what is important is not the object behind the veil, but the ‘hiding’ of the veil.
The gap on this light rim is like that gap attracts the viewer’s gaze, but meanwhile it is untouchable as it is formed by light.